Return Policy
If for any reason a Tate + Zoey product that you purchase for your own personal use does not meet your expectations, you may contact us at within 60 days of the date of purchase to request a refund or exchange, subject to the following rules.
- Replacement Due to Manufacturer’s Defect or Missing Item. If you request a replacement item due to a manufacturer’s defect or a missing item, the replacement item will be shipped to you at no cost as long as the item is shipped to the same address as the original item. Additional charges may apply if you request that the exchange or replacement item is shipped to a different address.
- Exchange Not Due to Manufacturer’s Defect or Missing Item. If you wish to exchange an item for another item and the original item is not defective, you will be responsible for the payment of any shipping costs to return the original item to us. In addition, you will be charged the shipping costs to send the exchange item to you. Such shipping cost is calculated based on the weight, dimensions, and shipping rate for your area. No exchange will be made for products that are not in good and resalable condition, not in their original packaging, or that were otherwise designated by us at the time of sale as nonreturnable, final sale, discontinued, or seasonal.
- Refund Not Due to Manufacturer’s Defect or Missing Item. If you wish to receive a refund for a product, we may require you to return the item to us. In that event, you will be responsible for the payment of any shipping costs to return the original item to us. If the returned item is in good and resalable condition, received by us in its original packaging, and was not otherwise designated by us at the time of sale as nonreturnable, discontinued, or seasonal (including Gift Fixes), we will issue a refund to you of the full amount that you paid for the item together with sales taxes as shown on your original receipt. Shipping costs will not be refunded and nor shall any sales taxes charged on those shipping costs.
- Sales Receipt Required. If you do not have your original sales receipt, we reserve the right to refuse to honor your product replacement, exchange, or refund request.
- Product Credit. We reserve the right to issue a product credit to you in lieu of your replacement, exchange, or refund request at our discretion if the conditions set forth in this Product Return Policy are not met by you. If you return an item that was purchased using product credit, upon approval, the credit will be reissued. The original product credit expiration date will be extended by 15 days.
- Gift Cards. Gift cards cannot be exchanged for cash. Tate + Zoey is not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards. If you return an item that you purchased with a Tate + Zoey gift card, the applicable refund amount will be placed back on the gift card (less any applicable delivery charges and taxes).
- Final Sale. When purchasing a final sale item, it's important to keep a few things in mind: No returns or exchanges. If an item is final sale, it will be noted in the product's description.
- If you have any questions about product returns, discrepancies, back-ordered items or anything else concerning these Product Return Policies, please contact the Tate + Zoey connection desk at 866-746-7844 or